Cornerstone Charities International

Ambassadors of Christ, journeying together through God’s leading wherever the needs exist.

Who we are

A community of believers, connected by our desire to live out the great commission. He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16

Our Ambassadors travel where the need is the greatest. Many have been to Africa.

Making Jesus Known
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Our Founders

Lamon and Margrett Bishop
Lamon and Margrett Bishop

How it all started…

I actually introduced Lamon to missions in 1965. We were still in our teens. We had met and started dating in February of that year, and in March my family and I went with a group from our church to Sonora, Mexico on a week-long mission trip during Easter break. Lamon couldn’t understand why anyone would want to go on a mission trip during “spring break”….especially to Sonora in the middle of the desert. He witnessed my obedience to God’s calling as I faithfully dedicated my Easter breaks to mission outreach events.

We got married in 1968 while Lamon was in the air force. After he was discharged in 1970, we started going to Mexico on mission trips together and Lamon was hooked!! He loved being among the people and serving and giving of himself with the gifts that God had given him.

In 1978 we expanded our outreach to various other places. Lamon’s passion for missions inspired many others to accompany us to Baja, Alaska, Ghana, West Africa, Swaziland. People were generous in their giving, but Lamon felt like we could reach more people and raise more money if we started a non-profit, where their gifts would be tax-deductible…

Margrett's Hope

Margrett has been faithfully serving as Resident Guide in Generate Hope’s transition home in SD.
Margrett’s greatest asset is that she loves people, especially people in need. She has a compassionate heart and the gifts of mercy and hospitality. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. " Matthew 11:28

Generate Hope

GenerateHope is a safe place for survivors of sex trafficking to heal and find restoration in long-term housing and trauma-informed therapy, education, and vocational support.Since recovery from sexual exploitation is a long-term process, GenerateHope provides safety, community, and individualized life skills support to work through the deep trauma and discover a healthy, purpose-filled life.

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Human Trafficking

Cornerstone Charities International is taking an active role in bringing awareness to the crime of human trafficking. We have come alongside other organizations who are involved in the fight against human trafficking. Human trafficking is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. Every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad. Almost every country in the world is affected by trafficking.

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we Also Support Local

We support those in need. Assisting local organizations who are providing services as so many have been impacted during the economic shutdown.

2023 Lamon Bishop Memorial Golf Tournament Recipients

All three Ghana orphanages received much-needed food products.  Auntie Adwoa’s arrived in such a timely manner that only God could have planned it.  She was leaving to go to the States to see her newborn twin grandchildren and had very little food to leave for the orphans.  

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Operation Blessing

During the COVID-19 pandemic, CCI made donations to five organizations that were working closely with people affected in some way by the virus.

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Meals on Wheels

During the COVID-19 pandemic, CCI made donations to local organizations that were offering assistance to those in need.

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Circle of Care Ministries

CCI dedicated some of our financial resources to assisting several Local outreach organizations that provide services to those who have been impacted by the economic shutdown.

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Our Ambassadors Love To Share Their Thoughts

Who Supports Us

Our gratitude to those who support us is immeasurable! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever. 1-Chronicles 16:34

Cast A Shadow Cycling Team

CCI used the funds to purchase materials to build the water cisterns and purchase the individual water filters which were distributed to several homes in surrounding villages.

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Gardner Company, Murrieta, California

Gardner Air is a commercial & industrial HVAC contractor providing dependable heating and air conditioning repair and service throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego & Orange Counties. We’re committed to helping commercial and industrial buildings improve energy efficiency & performance.

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Image Zone, Temecula CA

Every year, CCI/Lamon Bishop Memorial Golf Tournament focuses on supporting programs and facilities for education, healthcare, and emergency relief. Our primary purpose is to function as a Christ-centered humanitarian agency for people in need.

We couldn’t achieve our Mission to be Ambassadors of Christ, journeying together through God’s leading wherever the needs exist, without people like Bob Knight. Bob Knight, owner of The Image Zone, has been providing CCI with graphics and signs for our annual tournament for years. Praise God for his generosity!

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Springs Community Church

The Springs Community Church is filled with people who are committed to following Jesus Christ with their whole lives, and who are also called to love and serve each other, the communities around them and the whole world. Their vision can be summarized in 5 words… Connect. Grow. Heal. Unleash. Reach. 

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Projects Funded
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Sharing Jesus
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Cornerstone Charities International Annual Golf Tournament.

Help support CCI and get active, by participating in our 15th annual Lamon bishop Memorial Golf Tournament. We will be back at Lawrence Welk Resort, Escondido, CA. Registration begins at 8:00 AM. This year the funds raised will support Birth Choice of Temecula.